Boris, Chris, Steve & James (A14 ILT Operations Team) are familiar to the positive impact collaboration is having on the A14 Highways Scheme. This week however the ILT showed how teamwork away from the project can have a big impact too, as they got on their PPE and dug deep for local homeless charity, Cambridge Cyrenians. The ILT assisted with; clearing soft fruit beds of weeds & weed suppressant, building a walk in netted cage over fruit beds/bushes and laying patio stones for a small path to access the fruit bushes within the cage at the Cambridge Cyrenians allotment project.
The allotment project looks to offer a meaningful occupation for the local homeless people, helping to provide real work experience and the opportunity to learn new skills. The project boosts the quality of life of the homeless and they benefit from the social interaction. This community project sells their organically grown crops at regular local stalls and fairs to help continue their work on the allotment.
ILT at Cambridge Cyrenians
Visit the links to find out more about the Cambridge Cyrenians allotment project or to find out more about the award winning ILT team.