
The average cost per journey would be £13.03 each way. Totaling £26.07 per round trip and per person.
This is based on the assumption that the car does 45mpg and is a medium diesel car.


The closest medical centre from the A30 is 69.8 miles each way. The CO2 emitted from a round trip is 16.14kg per person.

Maintenance Cost:

Services – Oil and Filter Change: £70 Carried out every 12,000 miles

A Service is carried out every 12,000 miles and a service costs £70. This equates to £0.006 per mile, multiplied by 139.60 mile round trip = £0.84

Cost of Maintenance PP: £0.84 per mile.
Cost of Maintenance for 40 operatives: £33.50


Assuming a cost of tyres = £450 for 4 tyres and last for 25,000 miles. The cost would be:
Cost of tyres for 1 operative : £2.51 per Journey
Cost of tyres for 40 operatives: £100.51

Overall Cost – Bigger Picture

The total cost of 40 people travelling roughly 140 miles to a medical examination =

£1176.81 and 645.6kg of CO2.

If this was amplified and used on a larger site that had 800 operatives the total saving could be:

Tyres: £2,010.20

Fuel: £20,856

CO2: 12,912kg Maintenance Cost: £670

Maintenance Cost: £670

Overall Saving would be: £23,536.20

The Benefits

There are numerous benefits to deploying our trailer onto a project, including reduced time spent away from site attending medicals and in turn, reduced carbon emissions.

With the average time spent by operatives travelling to a medical or drug & alcohol test being 49 minutes each way and the time spent in a medical averaging 30 minutes, over just the first 1000 medicals we delivered on site we were able to save our projects more than 2 hours per worker, totaling 2000 hours of unproductive time spent away from site.

In addition, with the average round trip of approximately 30 miles each way (assuming a medium sized diesel car achieving 45mpg) producing 6.94kg CO2e, we have saved more than 6,940kg of CO2e for our clients.

Other benefits include:

  • Improved health and wellbeing for the entire project workforce
  • Potentially life-saving early detection of physical and mental health conditions
  • Improved productivity and safety from a happier, healthier workforce
  • Reduced absence due to ill-health
  • A safe space for discussing Modern Slavery concerns